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Mendham Primary School

Coronation Special

We had a memorable day commemorating the King’s Coronation last week! We were all invited to dress in red, white and blue - some of us even had coloured hair and face paint! 

We had a memorable day commemorating the King’s Coronation last week! We were all invited to dress in red, white and blue - some of us even had coloured hair and face paint! 


As a whole school we were busy all day on a range of activities :



We visited All Saints Church and completed either a quiz or a trail around the church looking for crowns and lions!! We had a very interesting talk from Reverend Diane who we have to thank for allowing us to visit and for all of her superb organisation on the day.



In school we decorated Coronation pebbles with the theme of red, white and blue - we really enjoyed this and look forward to sharing these in our school gardens with our families. 



At lunchtime we had a Coronation lunch and all had a special cup cake which was delicious! 



In the afternoon we spent the time creating high quality Art work - this was all inspired by King Charles III and his coronation. We had to concentrate a great deal but had lots of fun and we were very proud of our work!



We had a fantastic day and had a great time, making sure we made the most of every opportunity!



These special days in school can only take place because of the superb planning by our wonderful staff. We are very grateful to them all!