Transition to High Schools
Children transfer to secondary school at the age of eleven with pupils from our school moving on to a number of high schools within the area. We have positive links with many of them and offer curriculum experiences and liaison days for the pupils. The staff from the high schools visit the children and talk with their class teachers before they move in to year 7.
transition from primary to high school
There is increasing pressure from high schools to provide ‘transition’ activities, WVP need to balance this important element of the moving on process with the need to ensure continuity and minimise disruption to the pupils learning while still with us. We shall endeavour to offer pupils a full and enriching range of activities that the high schools offer.
- Alongside the website entry we shall be happy to distribute materials from high schools to pupils at our settings.
- Parents will be asked to register their interest in secondary provider(s) at the beginning of Y5, this does not in any way affect the normal admissions process and doesn’t imply that a place has been secured at any setting.
- WVP will use this parental statement of intent as a means to streamline activities offered from the different secondary provider(s). We will not send pupils ‘en-block’ to any one activity or high school and see this as an extension to the personalised curriculum and offer that we provide our pupils.
- While we will endeavour to provide both accompanying staff and transport to high school transition events – this may not always be possible and high school or parental support may be required.
- As with all off site learning opportunities – we require a minimum of two clear weeks for any event. It is preferable if high schools could advise of events well in advance. Our ‘federated’ timetable that crosses all our settings is complex and planned a full academic year in advance. Waveney Valley events will always take precedence over external requests.
We aim to work closely with our secondary colleagues, families and pupils to ensure that all pupils are ‘secondary ready’ and that the transition process is a supportive as possible.